This is just word dribble from work again as I try and get a good handle on a couple of my characters. I'm finally back to writing swords-and-horses type fantasy again but this time around my plot is very political and twisty rather then the straight forward quest-and-destroy-the-bad-guy plots from my younger years. Much more challenging for me because every character has different motivations for what they are doing and all of them are going to have to compromise their ethics at some point to get where they want. Fiction writing as an adult is a lot less fluffy then when I was a kid and with a lot more subtext to keep track of. Anyways, this is dribble from Laura and Rÿche (pronounced:rike), who are my protagonist and antagonist respectively and is just me trying to get my sense of them down.
My protagonist's thoughts at the very beginning of the story:
Overture [Laura-Jane]
This is my home
Whither go I now?
Far away from rock so rusted red
And bridges made rope and wood
This is my home
How can they ask me now
Just to leave it all behind
For the sake of a man who shares my name?
What could I care about there
In that city made of grey unending stone
What secrets could I learn
That would ever make me yearn for more
Than just the sights of my canyon home?
They say this was the way
It was meant to always be
But no one ever thought to let me know
That I was going to have to go
The road ahead is winding
And I cannot see the path
Now all that's left is wondering
Who will I become in the aftermath?
and then again towards the end of the first book:
Reprise [Laura-Jane]
This is my home
Where will the Heiress lead us
If I choose to turn away this day
And go back to the life I used to know?
This is my home
Jimmy, I won't be your Glorianna
But I can only try my best
to rise up to the challenge of a country in unrest
The ink is drying on the paper
As my heart beats now in fear
Elliana is so sick that
She might not last the year
And with Winnie's death I know
That I am all that stands between
A madwoman and Islin's Golden Throne
And a peek inside the head of my antagonist:
Requiem for a Doll [Rÿche]
Everyone has heard the rumors
The scars that mar my skin are hidden
But still within the public view
Where is the child who chased butterflies?
She died
Little sister, little broken doll
I can fix you so you will never crack again
Little sister, little broken doll
I can make the pain you feel now never come again
Take my hand
Let me remake you better than before
Recast in porcelain and ice I stand
A testament to the frailty of man
So many that have gone astray
Will not be saved as I was that day
The pain it caused has long been gone
But the scars can never truly be undone
The laws that stood to break my soul
Shall soon be torn asunder
A new regime is rising now
Godless heathens testify
Death to those who dare defy
It's really just a mercy on your soul
Little sister, little broken doll
You will never crack and fall
Little sister, little broken doll
This much I shall promise you
The world will see when we are through
Just how wrong their sainted Glorianna was
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